The Transformative Wisdom of Dreams in Jungian Psychodrama – Maurizio Gasseau


This didactic and experiential group will show a model of Jungian Psychodrama. Theory, methodology and techniques will be demonstrated and explained. Dreams convey the transformative wisdom of the unconscious, allowing emotionally charged material to become easily accessible to the consciousness, activating intrapsychic and intersubjective change. The group will take place within a ritualistic framework, creating a safe space to advance personal and social healing.

In the seminar would be presented some imaginative and creative techniques that are used in the model of Jungian Psychodrama. Jungian psychodrama is a theory of psychodramatic technique, articulated in a complex model of conduction and observation. It derives from Jung’s analytical theory on dreams, from his concepts of the personal and collective unconsciousness, of archetypal images and individuation.

The conductor will provide a brief explanation of the theory behind Jungian Psychodrama, active imagination and play dream with creative techniques. Then a more consistent experiential part will follow. The conductor will also present new creative warming up techniques – useful for psychodrama therapy and suitable for transcultural as well as organizational work - integrating Moreno’s sociometry and Jungian active imagination exercises.

He will demonstrate the dream incubation technique according to the ancient medicine of Asclepion and the utilization of opening and closing rituals. Some dreams will be played according to the Jungian model in which different protagonists play on the scene every session.

After the final sharing, there will be a narrative observation, which will communicate the sense of the dreams, which have been played, using a narrative style. It will enrich the plays with mythopoeic amplifications and will try to connect individual themes to the group’s collective unconsciousness.

Referent: Maurizio Gasseau

Maurizio Gasseau, Associate Professor of Dynamic Psychology at the University of Aosta. Past Chair of the Psychodrama Section of International Association of Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes IAGP, is a Jungian analyst, onorary member of ARPA member of International Association of Analytic Psychology IAAP, certified psychotherapist and psychodramatist in Italy as well as leader of training groups all over the world. His main interests are researching dreams interpretations in individual analysis and in psychodrama and group psychotherapy, climate changing, and working on trangenerational topics. He developed the Jungian Psychodrama method and theory in 1980. Past Director of COIRAG Institute of Group Psychotherapy 1994 - 2004. Director of Postgraduate School of Psychotherapy IPAP – Institute of Analytical Psychology and Psychodrama. Board member IAGP 2003 - 2012 and 2015 - 2025. Co-chair of IAGP Education Committee.
Co - chair of FEPTO Task Force for Peace Building and Conflict Transformation to share experience in intercultural work, working with refugees, using morenian tools.
He developed the Jungian Psychodrama method and theory in 1980 and Psychodramatic Social Dreaming Matrix in 2004. He is leaded training groups in 46 countries. Author of more than ninety publications on group psychotherapy and research, such as Lo psicodramma junghiano co-edited with Giulio Gasca and Il sogno. Dalla psicologia analitica allo psicodramma junghiano co-edited with Riccardo Bernardini.
He received the Federation European Psychodrama Training Organization Excellence Award in 2017 and the Fellowship Award of the International Association of Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes IAGP in 2022.


Forum für Angewandtes Psychodrama Innsbruck


Anmeldeschluss: 20.10.2023

Einzahlung der Seminarkosten bis spätestens 20.10.2023.


Bei Abmeldungen, die später als 21 Tage vor Veranstaltungsbeginn einlangen, muss eine Stornogebühr von 50% des Veranstaltungsbeitrags verrechnet werden.
Die Anmeldung ist verbindlich nach Einzahlung des Workshop-Beitrags auf das Konto des Vereins: Forum für Angewandtes Psychodrama Innsbruck, Tiroler Sparkasse AT84 2050 3033 0120 1087

Für telefonische Anmeldung und Rückfragen: Sabine Feuerstein, Tel: +43-699-11209972